This water/air intercooler pump is designed for circulating water in water/air intercoolers.
Unlike other bilge pump-based solutions available, this pump is designed by Bosch and Ford specifically for water/air applications.
This pump is Bosch part number 0 392 022 002 and is used in many of the supercharged Mustang Cobras and supercharged Mercedes.
This is an OEM pump. It ships with no documentation. Please check below for pump specifications from Bosch; these are the most detailed specifications available:

This information is directly from Bosch. Unit conversion shows that this pump flows 317 GPH; any seller who advertises differently is incorrect.
Update: A helpful customer sent us this document with more information about this pump: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. A Bosch representative has stated that this pump will draw 2.5-3.5 amps depending on other factors in your cooling system.
VERY IMPORTANT! We ship these pumps with a wiring harness adaptor that will give you positive and negative wires to connect the pump electrically. Most sellers of this pump just ship it with the socket and you have to find your own adaptor. The adaptor can cost up to $20 plus shipping by itself!
The Bosch Cobra Water to Air Intercooler Pump is designed for a 16 gauge wire, which this part has. Most connectors you will find being sold for this pump are fuel injector connectors with 18 or 20 gauge wire which may result in poor pump performance, voltage drop, or dangerously hot wires.